Herzlich willkommen bei Integration e.V.

German street soccer championship

Deutsche Straßenfußballmeisterschaft

Deutsche Meisterschaft im Strassenfußball Oldenburg 7.+ 8.Sept.2018
For the first time on Friday and Saturday 07. and 08.09.18 the German championship took place in the street soccer ball in Oldenburg. It was already the 13th. It was under the auspices of the Minister of Sport and Culture, Mr Boris Pistotius. The best eight players of the German Championship have received an invitation for the national team, which will compete as "Team Germany" at this year's "Homeless World Cup" from October 6-14 in Mexico City. With this championship, we want to set a sign for social responsibility and against discrimination. It should strengthen the acceptance among each other. We are in favor of a better coexistence of the society and a peaceful coexistence of every kind. Integration eV organized the tournament together with Anstoß eV Of the listed 20 teams, 18 competed. One of them was that of Integration eV. In time at 9:30 was the beginning. Integration eV opened the tournament against Hannibal's heirs, the former German champions. It was played in the castle courtyard. At 12:00 there was the official welcome. Our Lord Mayor (City of Oldenburg) Mr. Jürgen Kroogmann appeared. He and our spokeswoman Janet Lobe Ndoumbe spoke briefly to everyone. Since the weather was unfortunately not well-intentioned for us on this first match day, we received a welcome message in the rain and then a rain break. But the players did not stop and were in a good mood. After a lunch the games could continue. The day went by in a peaceful mood On Matchday 2 we were lucky with the weather. Various TV and radio stations followed the tournament. The FC Laubegast from Dresden made the final. With 9: 8 they could win against Hannibal's heirs from Kiel in a very convincing game. A game that has captivated everyone. The first three got a cup. There was also a fair play price. This was the team from Saarbrücken that brother Konrad house. The referees, who came from Oldenburg police sports club, led the games with good skill. We also thank you. But especially we would like to thank the people, without whose help and support all this would not have been possible. These included: the BVO, the Lotto Sport Foundation, the LzO, the Foundation of Lower Saxony, the homeless assistance, the city of Oldenburg, the Community Foundation Oldenburg and the City Sports Association. 1.Meister 2018: FC Laubegast from Dresden 2.Vizemeister Hannibals heirs from Kiel 3.Dritter Rewis eV Oldenburg Fairplay Cup: Brother Konrad Haus from Saarbrücken Many thanks for your support. Lobe nd. Cyrille
Team Integration e.V. (Flüchtlinge) Sieger des 3 Fairplay Cup Oldenburg 2018

 Liebe Freunde und Freundinnen des Straßenfußballs,

wir möchten Euch hiermit zur Deutschen Meisterschaft 2018 einladen:
In Oldenburg (in Oldenburg, Niedersachsen) auf dem Innenhof des Schlossplatzes vom 6. bis zum 9. September.
Möglich wird das Turnier durch den persönlichen Einsatz der langjährigen Organisatoren des Hunte-Cups, Walter und Cyrille von Integration e.V. und die großartige Unterstützung durch die Mitarbeiter des Stadtsportbundes Oldenburg und der Oldenburger Stadtverwaltung.

Anreise ist möglich Donnerstag, 6.9 ab 16:00,

Spieltage sind Freitag und Samstag,

Am Sonntag, 9.9 müssen sich alle bis 12:00 auf den Heimweg gemacht haben.

Die Unterkunft auf dem Gelände des Jugend- und Kulturabeit e.V bietet Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten sowohl im Haus als auch eine Wiese zum Zelten.

Gespielt wird nach den Street-Soccer-Regeln des Homeless-Worl-Cups.

(4 Spieler auf dem Feld = 1 Torwart + 3 Feldspieler, unbedingt ausreichend Einwechselspieler)

1 Chenes

2 8-auf-Kraut

3 Hersogsägmühle SV

4 Hannibals Erben

5 Skyline Kicker

6 ReWiS Oldenburg

7 Karl-Jaspers-Klinik

8 Lilienkicker

9 Wollozentrum Dia HH

10 Team Blankenburg

11 Panther Bensheim

12 Ocker Beige Berlin

13 Groß Gerau

14 Diakonie Oldenburg

15 Bruder Konrad Haus

16 DW Karlsruhe

17 Mansurfoundation

18 RehaCentrum Altosterholz Bremen

19 Hansekicker, Vorwerker Diakonie HL

20 FC Laubegast, Dresden

Rückfragen gerne und jederzeit per Telefon oder Mail an

Stefan Huhn:
Mobil 0175 32 64 317

In Vertretung aller Organisatoren und Unterstützer:
Wir feuen uns auf Euch!

Cyrille, Waldo, Stefan und Jiri
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