Integratione.V. is an existing since 2005 club based in Oldenburg which has made it its mission to help people with a migration background with words and deeds. We help, for example, with asylum procedures, clarify the persons concerned about their rights and obligations and accompany them in dealing with authorities. If necessary, we offer free tuition. Furthermore, we promote sports and cultural events. We have a dream: Equal participation for all! Help and support us! "Participation for all"
10 winners of the association Integration (2005-2015)
We would like to sincerely thank everyone for the successful jubilee gala.
Also we were happy about donations.
Thanks a lot for this!
Through the diligent help of the Kulturetage Oldenburg we could realize all this.
Thank you dear culture days together with coworkers!
Wir möchten uns recht herzlich bei allen für die gelungene Jubiläumsgala bedanken.
Auch dabei durften wir uns über Spenden freuen.
Vielen Dank dafür!
Durch die fleißige Hilfe der Kulturetage Oldenburg konnten wir dies alles verwirklichen.
Danke liebe Kulturetage samt Mitarbeitern!
On Saturday, 06.08.2016, our 1st chairman received the award "Social Commitment" in Berlin from the Europe-wide acting institution "Camer German Award" for his integration and refugee work.