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German Development Day

German Development Day

Kontext und Problemlage

„ In den Städten und in den Kommunen werden oft diverse Gruppen (zum Beispiel Sportvereine, Karnevalsvereine, Sozialverbände) auf eine Bühne gebracht. Der Entwicklungspolitik wurde aber noch nie eine Bühne gegeben. Aus diesem Grund finde ich den Deutschen Entwicklungstag, der in 16 deutschen Städten parallel veranstaltet wird, eine wunderbare Initiative.“ Dies äußerte Frau Gabriela Büssemaker, Geschäftsführerin Engagement Global gGmbH.“

The Schülerband-Helene-Lange-Schule and the "Big Band" Helene Lange Schule, the Afro music group "Top Afrika" from Integration eV as well as other groups have brought a lot of people to dance The day was organized by the Lord Mayor, Prof. Dr. Gerd Schwandner and Dr. Christoph Wilk, Head of the Department for Europe and International Cooperation of the State Chancellery of Lower Saxony officially opened According to the Lord Mayors, Africa is a continent with a high growth rate, the industrialized countries should consider the developing countries as partners Podium discussions with a focus on development were moderated by the moderator of the whole event, Mr. Barthel Pester (freelance journalist from Oldenburg) The first discussion was about the responsibility of the economy towards creation (man and nature) The native Nigerian, Mrs. Adetoun Küppers -Abiebissi (Dipl.Wirt. Ing., AfrotakTv cyberNomads- Berlin), participant of the Di For example, the plenary discussion called for greater awareness of sustainability when thinking of growth in the economy. In the second discussion on the Personal View of Development Cooperation (with, among others, the native Kenyan, Mr. Edwin Kamau, physicist, University of Oldenburg), the panel guests report on their personal experience with development cooperation. Although the event in Oldenburg was overshadowed by a continuous rain, the present actors were very pleased with the day. Schlossplatz Oldenburg Numerous events took place in many cities such as Augsburg, Berlin, Bonn, Bremerhaven, Freiberg, Halle, Hamburg, Heidelberg, Jena, Kiel, Mainz, Marburg, Oldenburg, Potsdam, Saarbrücken and Wismar.
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