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Freiwillige Aktion bezüglich Informationen und für eine Orientierung hinsichtlich einer Rückkehr in die Heimatländer der afrikanischen Studenten, die am Ende ihrer Ausbildung stehen und aus den Ländern südlich der Sahara kommen .

Beim Thema Einwanderung, einem Phänomen, das die ganze Welt betrifft, werden bzgl. Afrika v. a. die Wanderungsbewegungen qualifizierter Teile der Bevölkerung vernachlässigt.
Die Zahl qualifizierter Einwanderer lag 1990 bei 42 Mio. Menschen und wuchs bis zum Jahr 2000 auf 59 Mio. Menschen an, was einen jährlichen Zuwachs von 1,7 Mio. qualifizierten Einwanderern bedeutet. Das bedeutet mit Sicherheit, dass der afrikanische Kontinent durch die Wanderungsbewegungen qualifizierter Menschen am stärksten betroffen ist.
Eine im Oktober 2005 veröffentlichte Studie der Weltbank betont, dass jedes Jahr ca. 74.000 qualifizierte Menschen den afrikanischen Kontinent verlassen. Insgesamt wuchs zwischen 1990 und 2000 in den 30 Mitgliedsstaaten der OECD die Zahl der qualifizierten ausgebürgerten Afrikaner auf 113 %, das heißt auf 1,4 Mio. Menschen.
Diese Zahl wird aus verschiedenen Gründen ansteigen, wie z. B.

• ein Mangel an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der meisten afrikanischen Universitäten

• organisatorische Unbeweglichkeit und Untauglichkeit, die es unmöglich macht, den tatsächlichen Bedarf des Kontinents an Ausbildung voraus zu sehen.

• ein schwaches Potential an interdisziplinären Studienmöglichkeiten

• eine begrenzte Zahl an Studienplätzen

• ein Fehlen an realen Möglichkeiten, beruflich voran zu kommen.

• an manchen Fakultäten weit verbreitete zweifelhafte/ungesetzliche Praktiken bzgl. der Vergabe von Studienplätzen (wie Vetternwirtschaft, Korruption, Clanwirtschaft)

All dieses veranlasst jedes Jahr zahlreiche Studenten und junge Akademiker der Subsahara, den Kontinent zu verlassen, um ihr Studium in den Ländern der nördlichen Hemisphäre, v. a. Europa, fortzusetzen, oder dort (bzw. „hier“) zu arbeiten.

Ein weiteres „afrikanisches Paradox“ ist die Tatsache, dass dieser Kontinent in derselben Zeit, in der er jährlich Hunderttausende an qualifizierten Menschen verliert, mehr als 100.000 internationale Experten in verschiedenen Schlüsselsektoren der Entwicklung(shilfe) beschäftigt, die bei bzw. durch internationale Institutionen in verschiedenen afrikanischen Staaten oder durch die Regierungen der afrikanischen Staaten selbst angestellt bzw. beauftragt sind,

Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen, fördert die italienische Stadt Senigallia ein europäisches Projekt, das durch das Department/ die Abteilung für Recht, Sicherheit und Frieden finanziert wird.


The aim of the project is to assist African students who have completed their studies at a European university to return to their home country or to the African continent in order to promote a positive development in Africa. It aims to make an effective contribution to reducing poverty on return. To achieve this, the project sets the following three objectives: 1. to conduct a random sample survey (in full detail) that will interview 2,000 African students on the one hand and members of 200 associations in 10 countries on the other hand. It interviews associations that work or are related to (immigrant) migratory movements of Africans. This is needed to understand the impact that policies can have on helping African students through socio-economic integration assistance to return voluntarily to their home country after completing their studies. 2. to conduct a survey (in full detail) of 100 local groups and 100 universities to find out if they are interested in participating in the 3-party process (university, local group, immigration organization), the voluntary one Encouraging the return of African students to their home countries, receiving instruction and getting involved. 3. organize a European seminar on "best practices" to experiment with the field of "voluntary return of African students to their home countries". Returning students often live in uncertain economic conditions due to tuition fees. The AVOIR project is concerned with the integration management necessary for the migration of African students, based on true partnerships between subsequent universities, local communities / communities, and immigrant organizations and their respective home countries. The activities to be carried out as part of the AVOIR project are divided into 4 phases. Phase 1: Building a partnership This means building regional or national partnerships in each country to involve as many local partners as possible. Here is intended mainly to city councils, immigration organizations and universities. Phase 2: Plan the funds and set up a program for the survey This phase consists of: 1. the planning of the different means for the survey, determining the "ground plan" of the study in about a dozen European countries / states - especially France, Belgium , Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, United Kingdom, Denmark Austria and Germany 2. the definition of communication strategies 3. the development of methods and means for evaluation. Phase 3: The European Investigation "Indagine europea" In this phase the data are collected, collected and scientifically analyzed in the different European countries / states. Phase 4: During this phase: - an internal evaluation of the project - an external evaluation of the evaluation workshops - the draft of an action plan - a meeting to circulate and evaluate the results The main activities of the project therefore consist of Survey, a campaign to raise awareness and debate among students, universities and communities, and a meeting to evaluate and disseminate the results. The following results of the project are expected: 1. Survey of the impressions and opinions of African students, universities, municipalities and immigrant organizations, involving / involving approximately 2000 people in 10 European countries 2000 students to be interviewed, 100 universities, 100 municipalities and 50 immigrant organizations should have been included. An investigation report is to be prepared in Italian, English and French and published with 2000 copies. 2. An action plan should be implemented with the aim of promoting a three-party process. The three parties are about the university, the community (local community) and the immigrant organizations. The three-party process is intended to promote and support the voluntary return of African students to their home countries. The action plan (in Italian, French and English) will be available in pdf format on the project website and in the publication, in which the results will also be found. 3. "The results and lessons learned from the project are to be documented and published through'information up-dates', brochures, posters and flyers as well as public events, a final conference and a debate on television ". The investigation report will be published in French, the brochure in Italian, French, English and German. In order to ensure the effective distribution / dissemination of our results, we plan the following actions: • a press conference presenting the project in order to create transparency and communication between European member states • publicizing / publishing the results and the project on the websites of partners • Announcement / publication of the results and the project on "other" websites • Creation of retrospective newspaper articles and newsletters. • a special project logo • compilation of an electronic mailing list • discussion • distribution of posters, postcards and flyers • information boards about the project at the partner organizations • a TV program about the project • exhibitions, work samples, conferences • promotion for the project Project on radio and television stations
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